Our Heros

Heros Case study

Socially, craftspeople and artisans come from some of the most disadvantaged communities, with very little opportunities for self development and growth. Under livelihood project they come together as self help groups and producer groups to get improved access for finance and market. The fact that artisans and craftspeople still retain their skills is a miracle, given the fast changing trends in the urban market, which are the mainstay of many a rural artisan.

We desire to become the instrument through which the artisans can directly connect with the global audience, we desire to be the resource which helps craft sell not as objects but the Indian culture . We are vying to make not just 'sales' but 'dialogues' between the craftsmen and their patrons, encouraging 'co-creation' possibilities and a collective growth. We are committed to keeping all the good practices intact and all processes humane, just and ecologically balanced. Above all, we want to identify and recognize the faceless artisan.  Meet are growing team


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